Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prompt #9: G/T

Review the slides prepared on Gifted/Talented Curriculum (Parker).  Now that you know a little about G/T curriculum, describe for us how you think serving the needs of G/T students will be different than serving the needs of the other students who will be in your class(es).


  1. I think with G/T students their learning with be even more in depth than other students. We will need to make sure that they have the option to say what they learn and how they learn. We will need to let them show their capabilities. Since G/T is not state law the possibilities are endless in what they can learn because there will be no test at the end of the school year. G/T seems to have more freedom then what they all have to learn for end of the year tests.

  2. I agree with the need for "specialized" approach to teaching similar to that of special ed students because GT students also require specialized instruction.

  3. As a teacher you need to incorporate critical thinking questions this might stretch the other students but will be right for this students.I could also give projects or by even given them choice of topic when doing projects,essays or papers.

  4. Giving these students other aspects of the curriculum that may include outside sources like the science spectrum or the discovery channel. Ensuring they have the opportunity to share their learnings through class presentations or outside events (art shows, math competitions, or science fairs).

  5. The main difference is that if you make a lesson to easy then you will lose the motivation and attention of the G/T students and if you make a lesson to hard then your other students will be lost. You need to find a happy medium when creating lessons for the class as a whole. Another thing that you could do as a teacher is allow the G/T students to compete in competitions that fit their skills and knowledge level and allow the other students to do the same. This way you are creating a sense of equality and students should not feel left out.

  6. GT students can be a real challenge to teach, and come with their own set of complexities separate from on or below level learners. I've heard my teacher friends discuss how challenging GT students can be, because unlike other learners, they often come into your classroom with a functional understanding of the material, so they present an imperative on the teacher to be on their game 100% of the time.
