Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prompt #7: Character Ed

Review the slides prepared on Character Education (Meza).  Tell us at least one way you might blend the elements of Character Education with the content (subject) you plan to teach when you get that teaching certificate.


  1. When teaching history it would be important to teach Character Education. With teaching character education maybe we could stop history from repeating itself. Character Education would help students to learn respect and tolerance of others which history shows does not always happen.

  2. One of the main things missing in this generation of students is respect. By "teaching the golden rule." Just showing them manners the word " please, thank you, yes sir, or ma'am". I usually address them like that so eventually they will be doing it too.

  3. There is a school here in Lubbock that teaches "Character Education". I wish all schools taught it because it teaches kids "social skills" for morality that they might not be getting at home. Some students might not know its wrong to simply speak without using filter because it could be what's expected of them at home. In teaching technology I could connect it by reminding students of school appropriate websites, searches, pictures, etc. If they learn to understand that not all behavior is acceptable they could perhaps learn what is socialably acceptable.

  4. In the special education field I think it is important to teach the general education students acceptance as part of the character education.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think the best way for me to blend character ed into my teaching is to teach students ethics in dealing with business. I also have to teach them to relate to one another with respect and to respect me as the authority in the class.

  7. Cultivating character in young people is an essential part of their evolving into well-rounded adults. Again, believing that history is a social science, I think there are many instances where I could incorporate character education. Increasing social awareness with issues past and present, and more generally just creating an environment safe for every student to express opinions and evaluations of the content.
