Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prompt #3: Educational Psychology, Chapters 9

Make some kind of connection between a topic/idea in Chapter 9 and Bloom’s Taxonomy.


  1. In Chapter 9 they are talking about problem solving and that connects to Bloom's cognitive domain. In problem solving you would be using analyzing, evaluating and creating to solve a problem. You would use these skills from cognitive domain to make solutions for problem solving.

  2. In chapter 9, it states methods for both younger and older students( high school and college age)so that the students becomes aware and responsible Cfor their own learning. Bloom's taxonomy give us the different areas that involve learning in detail including problem solving ;chapter 9 reviews talks more how to enhance knowledge that help with problem solving and critical thinking skills.

  3. Chapter 9 discusses learning strategies that connect to Bloom's Taxonomy. Planning, organizing, comprehension, monitoring and practice are part of effective learning strategies. These tie in with the 6 objectives in Bloom's taxonomy.

  4. In chapter 9 the problem solving process model talks about "there are two paths to a solution. It talks about the first as the correct shcema is activated and the solution is apparent therefore the new problem is an old one is diguise". I think this would connect to all five of Blooms taxonomy.

  5. A connection between Bloom's Taxonomy and Chapter 9 is in the section on developing critical thinking skills. According to the text critical thinking skills are useful in almost every life situation-even in evaluating media adds. No matter what approach you use to develop your critical thinking skills it is best to practice. This relates to Bloom in the cognitive area in doing analysis.

  6. I agree with Jennifer in that what most stuck out to me in this Chapter was the topic of Developing Critical Thinking Skills. Developing critical thinking skills in students is to teach them how to learn. Every level of Bloom's Taxonomy is teaching students different levels of learning.
