Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prompt #4: Educational Psychology, Chapters 10

Specifically describe how you will use the concept of constructivism to teach one element of the discipline/subject/grade you intend to serve as a teacher.


  1. 1st finding out what the student knows especially in high school because many students think they are experts in all areas of life. I could do this by using inquiring questions and have them right them down for me to read that way I have an idea where they are. I could give them an assessment to test their knowledge at the beginning the semester. Then I could make sure to address misconceptions or erroneous ideas during discussion and lectures. I could increase both cognitive and social skills by doing a experiment or project like doing a bulletin board and presenting to the class of a group. In group project, I would require the role of each student and maybe do like a contract of what is required of them.

  2. I would use constructivism to help teach students about WWII. I would have students tell me what they already know about the subject and what they want to learn about the subject. I would have them research WWII and that would have them building understanding of the concept. We could also have a group discussion on what we learned and how that could apply to today.

  3. There would be a lot of support in the special education classroom. Ensuring that the students were in a safe learning environment that began each class reflecting on the learnings from the previous day. Then if the students seem to be grasping the content I would then add to the learning and ensure they are making the connections through group activities or individual sharing of their new findings.

  4. I would use constructivism to teach IPC/Business Education in researching technology. I believe this would allow the students to be active in constructing their own knowledge especially when they can realize how people use to "visualize" what a computer would look like when the idea first surfaced. It would be nice for them to see how far we've come with technology.


  5. I think the the best way I would use the concept of constructivism is to focus on teaching by using external direction. My area is in the field of business. I plan on teaching in middle school or high school where students don't really have an understanding of what the real world is like. I would teach using examples from current businesses and allow the students to have hands on learning as much as I can. The best way to teach this area is by doing and not so much by reading.

  6. Being that my area is history, and I define successful understanding of history as a social science and less rote memorization of facts and dates, there are several ways I can use constructivist learning theory in my classroom. Taking any historical situation and making students characters in the "play" and giving them context appropriate prompts to respond to will help them understand both the sequence of events, and the human element behind them.
