Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Prompt #2: Running an Analogy

How is teaching like farming/gardening?  Try to name at least three things that would fit this analogy.


  1. knowledge is like the seed.
    Water can be the experiment, practices, and discussions.
    Harvest can be the test results in an exam, or in the longrun.. a carreer that uses that knowledge.

  2. First you have to prep the ground (curriculum)
    Then you have to plant the seed (students)
    Continue to water to ensure the ground has given the nutrients to the seed to help it grow.

  3. Like farming your helping children's learning to grow. Like gardening your planting a seed of knowledge in the children and you watch it grow. To make sure that knowledge is still growing you have to water it with more knowledge and harvest it.

  4. I've been talking to my wife lately about education because she's more experienced than I am just to get feedback about how she feels. Recently, she said something to me that made me think. I believe it fits into this analogy. She was a hairdresser for 18 years before she was a teacher so she connects "how" she teaches to that experience. She said, "my students are like my "clients". They are a "product of me, much like my clients were. When they left the salon my name was attached to their haircut therefore my reputation was on the line". She then said that's how she sees her students. They are a "product" of her therefore "how" they perform reflects on her. This is very similar to the farming/gardening analogy because a good crop of cotton or what have you determines the level of farmer/gardener you are. She also shared with me something she used to tell her high school students when they complained about "how much school sucked that and they'd rather be sleeping than going to school". She would ask them this, "how many of you work?" Then would wait for a response, then would proceed to ask, "what happens to your paycheck when you miss one day of work?" She said the students would always state that their paycheck was short a day or hours. She would take that and compare it to missing school or dropping out. She would tell them that for every day they were absent they were "shorting" themselves of their "paycheck" which is knowledge.

    1. your wife is a very smart lady! I love this!

  5. The three things I would choose are:
    Seed - you plant thoughts and knowledge into your students.
    Water - Nourish student's creativity and guide them in their learning.
    Harvest - As they progress and move on in their educational career you can be proud that you had a hand in their accomplishments and your hard work paid off.

  6. To echo my classmates, I think the seed is an appropriate representation of the knowledge/experience teachers give their students. Sunshine and and water could be the encouragement and safe environment teacher's establish for their students to create an environment of learning (growing) excellence. The harvest I think is best viewed in a long-term tense. The results of the harvest are not necessarily when the student has grown enough to be plucked from the ground, but when their journey takes them halfway across the world to feed someone in need.
